Congleton Museum Audience Survey

We are surveying to better understand how Congleton residents and visitors feel about visiting the Congleton Museum. Your feedback will help us improve and tailor the museum experience to meet the community’s needs and interests.

Thank you for your participation!

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Have you ever visited Congleton Museum?
If you have visited, how often have you been?
What events or activities have you participated in at the museum? (Select all that apply)
What were your main reasons for visiting the museum? (Select all that apply)
What types of events or activities would you like to see at Congleton Museum? (Select all that apply)
What topics or themes would you like to see explored in future exhibitions or events? (Select up to three)
How do you usually learn about events and activities in your area? (Select all that apply)
Would you be interested in trying different museum roles or participating in museum projects as a volunteer?
If yes, what roles or activities would you be interested in? (Select all that apply)
What would encourage you to volunteer with the museum? (Select all that apply)
What is your gender?
What is your age range?
Where do you currently live?
Would you like to receive monthly email newsletters about museum events (sent no more than once a month)?