
Congleton Museum Trust was set up in 1985.  It is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity.  Congleton Museum is an accredited museum managed by a voluntary board of trustees, the chairman of which works full-time in the museum as its Collections Manager.  The museum’s only paid employee is a part-time (18 hours a week) Assistant Manager.  All other staffing is provided by volunteers.   

Registered Charity No: 701430

Registered in England as a Company Limited by Guarantee No: 02214293 

Accredited Museum No: RD262 (Professional Adviser:  Katherine Lynch, Director of Heritage for the Port Sunlight Village Trust)

The Board of Trustees

Ian Doughty (Chair)
Suzy Firkin  (representing Congleton Town Council)
Anne Gubbins
Linda Hulse (representing Congleton History Society)
Peter Lane
Mike Laurence (Company Secretary)
Felicity Whitelock
(5 vacancies)

Financial matters

Trust Treasurer:  John Pemberton
Certifying Accountants:  Tax Assist Accountants, Congleton

The museum is financially independent, relying on donations, income from events, fund raising and occasional grants for its income.  Congleton Town Council provides and maintains the museum building free of charge; Cheshire East Council contributes a small sum towards the salary of the Assistant Manager.