Our Disappearing Nature!

Our Disappearing Nature is a proposed project and mini exhibition based on a book in the museums collection.

When, in 1915, his book on the ‘History of Newbold Astbury’, the Rev Gordon Cartlidge listed all the plants that could then be found in the area in 1915.

The mini exhibition was on display at the Green Fayre in Congleton, and is currently on display in the museum. The exhibition features 72 of the plants listed in Cartlidge’s book, and their names.

In light of this year’s ‘State of Nature Report’ it might be interesting to repeat this exercise to see what has changed over the past 110 years as a result of our constantly evolving landscape and climate.

To keep updated with this project, please follow us on social media and check back on this webpage regularly.

The plants featured in our mini exhibition are listed below, have you seen any of these growing in the area?

From left to right: corncockle, raspberry, soapwort, shepherds cress, wild raddish, crimson clover.
From left to right: yellow meadow rue, germander speedwell, field maple, large bittercress, common broom, meadowsweet.
From left to right: bur marigold, dog rose, gorse, crab apples, garlic mustard, water lilly.
From left to right: field scabious, marsh marigold, milkwort, sneezewort, miners lettuce, ox eye daisy.
From left to right: wood anemone, alder buckthorne, sweet violet, angelica, prickly poppy, heartsease.
From left to right: rosebay willowherb, field poppy, birdsfoot trefoil, saw-wort, sweet cicely, common wood sorrel.
From left to right: houndstongue, chicory, coltsfoot, red champion, guelder rose, hawthorne.
From left to right: English bluebells, deadly nightshade, breckland thyme, English yew, stinging nettle, common mullein.
From left to right: common cowslip, borage, golden dead nettle, flag iris, common bistort, broadleaf plaintain.
From left to right: flowering rush, kenilworth ivy, yellow loosestrife, millet grass, water forget-me-not, foxglove.
From left to right: dyers weed, greater celandine, heath spotted orchid, early purple orchid, primrose, field bindweed.
From left to right: common fumatory, arigomonia, green pea, stork's bill, common holly, cudweed.