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Bronze Age

This Bronze Age Axe Head is part of the New Street Hoard and dates from around 1000 – 800 B.C. It is a socketed Bronze axe 3½ inches long. Both faces of the axe are decorated with three short vertical ribs. There is a single loop which would have been used to secure the axe to it shaft by means of a leather thong. The pristine condition of the axe suggests that it may have had a ceremonial purpose as symbol of authority.
This Bronze Age Spear is part of the New Street Hoard and dates from around 1000 – 800 B.C. The spear head is approximately 15½ inches long. It has a slender leaf shaped blade into which is cast two crescent shaped opening on either side the central rib. The pristine condition of the axe suggests that it may have had a ceremonial purpose as symbol of authority.